Beef Kidney

Beef Kidney

beef kidney


It's Exactly What We're Designed to Eat

Kidney meats were prized among our ancestors, and they should be by us as well. They knew how nutritious they are, which was key to good health and survival. Instead of being thrown away in the butchering process as if they were never meant to be there, we need to reap the benefits They understood the nutritional value, which led to their good health and survival. Unfortunately, the kidneys are one of the least consumed organ meats in the world today. No surprise! It has a pretty strong smell and taste! Few enjoy an old-fashioned kidney pie, which means most of us miss out on the ancestral benefits the kidneys offer.



As you can see, the kidney is a powerhouse when it comes to vitamin B12, riboflavin, thiamine, selenium and iron.

• Vitamin B12 – improves energy, mood, blood cell formation, mitochondrial health

• Riboflavin (B2) – aids energy production in your cells through methylation

• Thiamine (B1) – Needed to make ATP, our cells' source of energy

• Selenium – Powerful antioxidant, lowers inflammation, boosts your immune system and aids thyroid function

• Iron – responsible for transferring oxygen from the lungs to the tissues

• Vitamin K2- Builds strong bones, healthier teeth, and boosts hormone production

These are some excellent reasons to get kidney into your diet. Your body is designed to utilize these nutrients from animal foods. For millions of years, we've evolved with the help of organ meats, and our digestive tracts were designed with this in mind.

Nutritional highlights:

Vitamin B12 and Selenium- Vitality, energy & thyroid health. Boosts the immune system and provides powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

 Histamine Metabolism- Rich in diamine oxidase to boost histamine clearance and vitality.

 Omega 3's and Vitamin C- High bioavailable amounts of these boost your immune system and lower inflammation.

 Urinary Health, Gout, Detoxification- Specific peptides, proteins, and enzymes to directly benefit your urinary tract. Vitamin A rich in detoxifying and preventing uric acid buildup.

 SUET: Suet is the fat that is attached to the kidneys. A powerhouse of essential nutrients!

Key Nutrients in Suet:

  • Choline- Benefits liver function, healthy brain development, muscle movement, your nervous system and metabolism
  • CLA- muscle-building and strength improvements, normalize blood sugar levels, reduce food allergies/sensitivities, improve digestion, reversing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), bone-building, anticancer effects, growth and developmental benefits
  • Stearic Acid- A crucial fatty acid that turns on mitochondrial fat-burning cells to help with weight and energy
  • Essential fatty acids- Support immune and cardiovascular health, as well as healthy weight management
  • Vitamin K2- This critical fat-soluble vitamin supports cardiovascular health, bone health, and anticarcinogenic activities
  • Vitamin E- This essential fat-soluble vitamin acts as an antioxidant to fight inflammation and supports cardiovascular, immune, eye, and skin vitality

Chronic Kidney Disease

There are at least 4 million people in Canada and 31 million people in the United States that suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease. The leading cause of CKD in the world is diabetes and hypertension. These conditions are caused by chronically high blood sugars in the diet, leading to chronically elevated insulin levels. Now, if you have type 1 diabetes, you don't have as much control over this, but you can still use a low-carb, organ-rich diet to improve your kidney and overall health.

You can avoid a kidney diseased life if you take care of it correctly with the proper diet. Most physicians diagnose kidney failure or kidney disease by finding a protein called albumin in your urine. That's the first indication that someone has kidney disease because your kidneys are supposed to filter all the protein and amino acids out and place them back in your blood supply. When you've damaged your kidneys with chronic diabetes or ongoing hypertension, your kidneys start to leak protein into your urine.

Studies performed in both rodents and humans prove that we can, to some degree, reverse CKD by taking on a diet that eliminates the constant elevation in high blood sugar and insulin secretion needs. These diets include ketogenic or low carbohydrate adjustments. Despite what many physicians believe, high fat and or high protein diets do not damage your kidneys. The damage is done via sugar or high carbohydrate diets. Your organs get put to work trying to process those sugars and carbs, so it's no surprise that issues arise when they're chronically in the bloodstream. People aren't necessarily doomed to kidney disease entirely and can start to make significant improvements, even reverse some kidney damage. The key, however, is not to wait until symptoms arrise, but instead, to be proactive, improve your diet, keep it low carb and low sugar, and introduce nutrient-dense organ meats to support your kidneys.  


Some Quick Kidney Disease Stats 2020:

• 1 in 10 Canadians has kidney disease; that's 4 million people!

• The leading cause of kidney failure is diabetes at 38%

• The number of people living with end-stage kidney disease has grown 35% since 2009  

• 46% of new patients are under the age of 65 

• A person can lose more than 50% of their kidney function before symptoms appear. Symptoms are silent in the early stages.

 Nutrition for Kidney Health/Recovery:

Hyperinsulinemic characteristics, an autoimmune attribute, and/or a combination of autoimmunity or hyperinsulinism are the common issues found in kidney problems.  A standard, low-ish carb paleo/primal diet can aid most of these issues. For serious kidney damage, a low-protein, ketogenic diet can be remarkably therapeutic (see below).

  • Limit protein to just what your body needs. An ideal protein intake for most with kidney concerns is 40 to 70 grams a day. The American Kidney Fund recommends a maximum of 50 grams.
  • Limit or eliminate carbs
  • Fructose causes kidney damage, limit or eliminate fruits and all fructose.
  • Restrict liquids to water—clean filtered water, nothing else.
  • Reduce vegetable intake, reduce foods high in oxalates such as spinach, beans, nuts, seeds, and potatoes/yams.
  • If you get kidney stones from urate salts, you are likely NOT following a low-ish carb paleo diet; you probably have insulin resistance, and your liver is not processing uric acid.

For severe kidney damage, consider going with higher fat, lower protein and a low carbs approach. 

COMMON KETO — FOR KIDNEY RECOVERY should be approximately 85% healthy fats, 10% protein and 5% carbohydrates. Be mindful of too high of protein intake, which stresses the kidneys when they are compromised.

Lastly, sourcing grass-fed/finished organ meats is always optimal for nutrient density and overall quality. If you feel like cooking up some kidney, slap on some grass-fed butter or tallow and enjoy! Otherwise, get some beef kidney benefits in your life by enjoying our desiccated whole food option today. No sourcing, cooking, tasting, smelling required! Thanks for reading!

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Beef Organs- The Ultimate Multivitamin/Multimineral

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